West Coast Call Center Inc.
Direct Marketing for Professionals, by Professionals
BEYOND APPOINTMENT SETTING: Event Recruiting and Follow-up
Let us ensure your event or webinar is well attended. We can help you get the most out of your trade show contacts. Our services can be customized and utilized in tandem with any of your marketing objectives.

Event Registrations.
Most companies make use of emails as a convenient way of sending event invitations, but with the existence of email filters which treat these invites as spam, efficiency is greatly diminished.
Phone recruiting is a more personal approach. Give your attendees a chance to ask questions, address concerns, and ideally obtain assistance in registering with our special event services.
We have the ability to integrate with your own email or direct mail marketing, as well as offer inbound support response to our combined efforts with a customized IVR phone line dedicated to your event with SMS support options.
Since a phone invitation is straightforward, it is perfect for announcing events, as well as following up on them.
If you have ever tried to quantify a trade show's return of investment, you are familiar with the problem of timely re-engagement with prospects.
If your team does not have the time to promptly follow up with all the leads obtained, the event was a loss.
Sales leads generated from the event must be contacted within a week after the event has ended, for best ROI.
Our agents will further qualify purchase intent and if desired, set phone / webinar, or face-to-face appointments.
Available Options:
Online registration via your portal while on the call with the attendee.
Real-time distribution of email invitation, online registration link or informational packet.
Daily RSVP list updates.
Confirmation calls to all attendees prior to the event.